Strategy Description: Systematic screening of an investable horizon composed of funds and UCITS compliant ETFs. The selection is based on the NAV, the track record, the TER and other risk/return parameters. The selection result is then combined with a macro analysis and then submitted to the manager's qualitative analysis. Hedging is implemented taking position on short ETFs on indices.
Investment Target: The fund adopts a strategy that aims at achieving capital growth by investing in a diverse range of asset classes, using UCITS compliant funds and ETFs that meet the above requirements.
LONDON 60 Cannon Street
+44 20 4540 5182
MILANO Via G.B. Pergolesi, 2
+39 02 6269 5038
ROMA Via Calabria, 56
+39 06 4576 3550
VERONA Via Fiumicello, 23
+39 045 6575593
LONDON 60 Cannon Street | +44 20 4540 5182
MILANO Via G.B. Pergolesi, 2 | +39 02 6269 5038
ROMA Via Calabria, 56 | +39 06 4576 3550
VERONA Via Fiumicello, 23 | +39 045 6575593
LONDON 60 Cannon Street | +44 20 4540 5182
MILANO Via G.B. Pergolesi, 2 | +39 02 6269 5038 // ROMA Via Calabria, 56 | +39 06 4576 3550 // VERONA Via Fiumicello, 23 | +39 045 6575593
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Olympia Wealth Management is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority of the United Kingdom (FCA), authorized to operate in Italy as a non UE community investment company with a branch, registered in the Consob Register.
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